TJ Nolan


TJ has spent over 25 years in a variety of sports and marketing roles, including stints with the Chicago Cubs (he’s a Sox fan), St. John’s University Athletics (when they were still in the Big East!), Edelman Sports PR (1996 World Cup!) and Kemper Sports Marketing (Maui + Basketball = the Maui Invitational Basketball tournament). Before joining Newbridge Marketing Group, TJ spent four years at Marketing Werks leading their new business efforts creating experiences for brands like Hershey’s, Chevy, Monsanto, Cartoon Network and other national brands.

TJ has spent his 30-year career in various team, collegiate, and marketing agency roles. His experience includes sponsorship sales (The Maui Invitational Basketball Tournament), activation (Chicago Cubs), college athletic fundraising and events (St. John’s University), creation of Illinois Sports Commissions (Edelman Sports), and hundreds of experiential marketing campaigns.

He’s dedicated to deepening NMG’s understanding of Gen Z and fostering nationwide relationships with campus partners. With those building blocks, NMG creates strategic brand campaigns that establish meaningful connections with the college audience and generate authentic consumer joy.

TJ Trivia: “I was a DJ in college—and yes, I was called TJ the DJ. If you ask nicely he may make you a “mix tape”